He told a story of a man who complained about the splashy colors, designs and photographs decorating the walls of the African galleries.
Just a few years ago the museum reinstalled its permanent African galleries with some 250 pieces.
The museum decided to transfer that winning formula to its African galleries.
Brooklyn's African galleries, with their expanded scope and new look, quietly ask and answer a few.
He decides to visit the African galleries.
Leaving the African galleries, you'll find yourself in the vast space given over to the art of Oceania and the Americas.
The weavers, in turn, began selling their art to South African galleries and collectors.
Dancers and storytellers will relate traditional tales, surrounded by artworks (left) in the African galleries.
The museum's renovated Asian and African galleries are also worth a visit.
(The museum is in the process of expanding its African galleries, which is why the collection is on the road.)