Most of the South African 2nd Division was taken prisoner with the fall of Tobruk on 21 June 1942.
The African Division of Aid for the World works in developing nations, recruiting volunteers and training long-term indigenous workers.
But, instead, the 11th African Division and the 12th African Division were formed.
On 13 August, the 1st South African Division was formed.
On 1 March, the 11th African Division began a fighting pursuit of the retreating Italian forces north from Mogadishu.
Caught between the troops landing from the sea and the pursuing 82nd African Division, the Japanese suffered heavy casualties.
By January 1941, the 12th African Division included the following brigades:
The 24th Guards Brigade remained with the South African Division in the transfer to the 5th Army.
In August 1941 he was placed in temporary command of the 12th African Division and was confirmed in the role the following month.
For the 1st South African Division, the war had ended.