Fitzwilliams was Assistant Editor of Africa South of the Sahara (Europa Publications) from 1972-75.
He was concurrently commander-in-chief, Middle East, Southern Asia and Africa South of the Sahara.
Africa South of the Sahara 32nd Edition, Abingdon Routledge.
Africa South of the Sahara: Party Systems and Ideologies of Socialism.
"Swaziland: Recent History," in Africa South of the Sahara 2004.
Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara, Vol.
The white used the sash with "South Africa" and the black used the sash with "Africa South".
Africa South of the Sahara 2012.
Africa South, Grenada, and Mauritius competed in Miss World for the first time.
Africa South of the Sahara (1957)