The party's manifesto says that Liberal Democrats are "critical supporters" of the Afghanistan campaign.
During the Afghanistan campaign, the Squadron has lost two soldiers:
Multilateral cooperation is of the essence, as it was in the Afghanistan campaign.
At the start of the Afghanistan campaign, he worked with the Pentagon to ensure that the military avoided attacking relief operations.
They point to its performance in the Persian Gulf war, the Afghanistan campaign and now Iraq.
There are growing fears that by the time the Afghanistan campaign closes in 2015 the Army will have been reduced to 82,000.
Afghanistan campaign 'cannot be judged by British troop deaths alone'
Yet if this isn't Vietnam, neither is it the Afghanistan campaign, where we were hailed as liberators.
In the Afghanistan campaign, this was a goal from the start.
Fifty-five Lancers were either killed in action or died of frostbite in the Afghanistan campaign.