Treaty 3 Text at Indian and Northern Affairs Canada website.
Constructed in 1961, it was closed in the 1990s due to budget cutbacks in National Defence and Veterans' Affairs Canada.
The Indian reserve and Indian settlement census subdivisions are determined according to criteria established by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.
The audience was funded by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.
In 2006, the Semihamoo reserve was listed by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada as a high-priority community for drinking-water improvements.
Inuktitut was first published in 1959 and is funded by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.
The federal government department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada delivers education service to First Nations.
It is owned by the Government of Canada, and is administered by Parks Canada with some input from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.
First Nations negotiate with the Canadian Government through Indian and Northern Affairs Canada in affairs concerning land, entitlement, and rights.
It is maintained by Veteran's Affairs Canada.