Adults range in color from green to red.
Adults range in color from olive green to brown to black.
Adults range in length from 7 to 9 mm and possess a brownish-red color.
Adults are variable in colour, ranging from pale green to yellow.
Adults range in length from 38 to 71 cm (15 to 28 in).
Adults range from 8-12 cm (3 to 5 in) with 14 to 15 costal grooves.
Adults can range from sizes of 25 to 55 millimeters, or approximately one to two inches.
Adults range in weight from 30 grams to over 25 kilograms.
Adults are highly variable in colour, ranging from dark brown to bright orange.
Adults range from 4 to 4.5 inches in length, and weigh between 9.75 and 12.75 grams.