The corvette struck rocks twice, and was then washed over the reef and into Admiralty Bay.
Admiralty Bay is the name of several places:
Additionally, it was said to have not been used by whalers who frequented the waters due to the ice floes that blocked access to Admiralty Bay.
As we rounded the corner, we could see the little lights of Port Elizabeth on Admiralty Bay, the island's harbor.
The name suggests the central position of the feature at the head of Admiralty Bay.
Deep-set Admiralty Bay is one of the Caribbean's most protected natural harbours.
Admiralty Bay, and a thriving whaling industry run mostly by Scotsmen.
The effect of mussel farming on dusky dolphins has been studied in Admiralty Bay, New Zealand.
The same year, Captain Nathaniel Portlock named it "Admiralty Bay"
Admiralty Bay is a large indentation in the northern coast of New Zealand's South Island.