From Admiral Lord Nelson site.
Admiral Lord Keith commander of the the naval forces, gave the value of Justice for prize money purposes at £17,095 2 s 2 d.
The Life of John Jervis: Admiral Lord St. Vincent.
It was created by Admiral Lord Clarence Paget, who lived in the mansion and who was an enthusiastic amateur sculptor.
St Swithun's Church, parts of which may date from the twelfth century, is the resting place of Admiral Lord Nelson's sister, Ann.
Admiral Lord Keith commander of the the naval forces, gave the value of Régénérée for prize money purposes at £16,771 13 s 6 d.
Admiral Lord Gardner - commanded a younger Nelson) was born at the Manor house in the town in 1742, and died at Bath in 1810.
Admiral Lord Keith commander of the the naval forces, gave the value of Égyptienne for prize money purposes at £23,665 0 s 0 d.
Admiral Lord Rodney was a frequent visitor to the house and the north-west bedroom is known as the Admiral's Bedroom.
However, the request was endorsed by Admiral Lord Clanwilliam, and also the first sea lord, Sir Anthony Hoskins.