In recent weeks, the Administration has notified Congress of its intention to sell advanced electronic gear and missile-carrying helicopters to Saudi Arabia and F-16 jet fighters to Bahrain and Egypt.
Mr. Perry announced the increased intelligence cooperation a day after the Administration notified its European allies that it was narrowing the circumstances under which American ground troops could be used to help redeploy United Nations peacekeepers in Bosnia.
Several legislators have even suggested that the Administration should formally notify Congress under the War Powers Resolution that it has introduced forces into a region where hostilities are imminent.
But by Monday, the Administration must notify Congress that it has a deal or is close.
Still, many expect a fierce struggle when the Administration formally notifies Congress of its intentions to renew the trading privileges, which it must do before June 3.
Restrictions on deals with Pakistan have now been eased slightly, but the Administration must still notify Congress when military sales and cooperation are involved.
And because the Administration must notify the Congress of an agreement 90 days before a treaty is signed, a treaty concluded early in August would come due for a signature then.
Last Friday the Administration notified Congress that it would go ahead with a planned sale to Taiwan of early-warning radar aircraft and spare parts for F-16 fighter jets.
The Administration never notified Congress of the transaction so Congress never approved it.
To my knowledge, and I've served on the Intelligence Committee for going on six years now - I can think of only one or two occasions in which the Administration has not notified the Congress about those covert actions, and you would agree with that statement, wouldn't you?