The Administration had forecast that the economy would expand 2.4 percent in 1988.
In the report, the Administration forecasts a mild and brief recession that will end this summer.
For the year, the Administration is forecasting growth of nine-tenths of 1 percent.
The Administration is forecasting that half of overall growth this year will come from rising factory production.
That is far lower than the Administration, much less the Republicans, had forecast.
The Congressional staff estimates the 1990-91 gain at $3.9 billion, and the Administration forecasts a $5.4 billion increase.
He said first-quarter growth might be just 2 to 2.5 percent, well below the 3 percent the Administration has forecast for all of 1993.
The Administration is forecasting lower budget deficits than the budget office, on the basis of higher economic growth assumptions.
The Administration had forecast growth of 3.5 percent this year and 3.1 percent next year.
The Administration has forecast that the deficit this year will shrink 22 percent, to $173.2 billion.