Stretta gained Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in 2000, with updated approval in 2011.
The plan is awaiting final Administration approval.
The company asked Mr. Nofziger to help win Administration approval for it to commingle 1981 and 1982 rice crops in order to fill its contract.
Ligand gained Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for alitretinoin in February 1999.
She would then seek Administration approval to make a proposal to Congress.
The proposal awaits Administration approval and an export license required for such technology.
Many of our current apprenticeship programs already have Veteran's Administration approval to train veterans: Oregon Apprenticeship Opportunities Statewide.
But the lifting of some American sanctions against China on Dec. 19 was seen as a step toward Administration approval of such lending in the near future.
The Senate bill, with Administration approval, aims another dart at the Gideon principle.
There is currently an effort to obtain Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of Lorenzo's oil as a prescription drug.