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Today people come to Adirondack camps for the same reason they did in Emerson's time - the lure of the wilderness setting and a social life revolving around families and friends.
Once more, the Adirondack camps are places where nature can be experienced, not in luxury, but in modest comfort; where family ties strengthen, and friendships flourish.
It was one of the largest of the Adirondack great camps and possibly the most elaborately furnished.
But his voice had a slight foreign lisp - like the voices of the three "servants" at the Adirondack camp of Henry Norman.
So is this an Adirondack camp?
It was designed and run like the Adirondack camps then attracting wealthy New Yorkers whose doctors prescribed mountain air.
Built in sections over the years, it stands as an integral whole, combining the outdoorsy utility of Adirondack camps with an imposing, castle-like grandeur.
Theodore Roosevelt and James Fenimore Cooper, Jr. were among the many distinguished visitors who regularly visited the Pruyns at their Adirondack camp.
The first Adirondack camp to be comprehensively designed as a unit by a professional architect.
We'd heard stories about how life used to be in the old Adirondack camps.