"Festive 50's attire" read the invitation to the 40th anniversary gala of the Adirondack Museum here, held on July 26.
The Adirondack Museum has entire buildings decorated in this fantastic signature rustic mode, reason enough to head north next summer.
We climbed steeply away from the lake, passing the highly regarded Adirondack Museum, which covers all aspects of the park and its history.
With the cold war over, the Adirondack Museum decided to seek a few of those works for "The View From Asgaard."
At the Adirondack Museum, the paintings are warmer, even the snowy scenes.
The Adirondack Museum in Blue Mountain Lake has displays of outdoor living in the region.
The Adirondack Museum is located north of the hamlet.
The Adirondack Museum has several classic examples in its collection.
Plans & photos from the Adirondack Museum.
John Whetten Ehninger's 1881 painting of it is now at the Adirondack Museum.