Hamilton has been involved in shows at the Adelaide Fringe Festival since 1994.
Black Water received its Australian premiere at the 2012 Adelaide Fringe Festival.
The duo launched their album to the public on 2 March 2012 during a round of performances at Adelaide Fringe Festival.
It raised some question about whether the festival's purpose was being confused with that of the more community-based Adelaide Fringe Festival.
During the innovative Adelaide Fringe Festival, the artistic flair of this historically progressive, yet still conservative, city truly emerges.
It also spawned the Adelaide Fringe Festival which has become the largest event of its kind in the world after the Edinburgh Fringe.
The show ran in Los Angeles as well as the Edinburgh and Adelaide Fringe Festivals through 2009.
Tyson has previously performed in improvisation for the Adelaide Fringe Festival, as well acting and radio.
Their first comedy festival was Adelaide Fringe Festival in 2007.
The play was developed at Higher Ground, a South Australian arts venue, as part of the 2008 Adelaide Fringe Festival.
Hamilton has been involved in shows at the Adelaide Fringe Festival since 1994.
Black Water received its Australian premiere at the 2012 Adelaide Fringe Festival.
The duo launched their album to the public on 2 March 2012 during a round of performances at Adelaide Fringe Festival.
It raised some question about whether the festival's purpose was being confused with that of the more community-based Adelaide Fringe Festival.
During the innovative Adelaide Fringe Festival, the artistic flair of this historically progressive, yet still conservative, city truly emerges.
It also spawned the Adelaide Fringe Festival which has become the largest event of its kind in the world after the Edinburgh Fringe.
The show ran in Los Angeles as well as the Edinburgh and Adelaide Fringe Festivals through 2009.
Tyson has previously performed in improvisation for the Adelaide Fringe Festival, as well acting and radio.
Their first comedy festival was Adelaide Fringe Festival in 2007.
The play was developed at Higher Ground, a South Australian arts venue, as part of the 2008 Adelaide Fringe Festival.