The Academy also successfully organises charity fundraising for a number of causes chosen by the pupils.
To carry out its mandate the Academy organizes a wide range of activities: publications, conferences, yearly competitions with funds and prizes.
The Academy organizes yearly competitions with specific topics for each of its three Sections.
From 1811 to 1969, the Academy also organized important annual art exhibitions from which significant acquisitions were made.
The Academy has been successfully organising a music festival every year in Hyderabad.
The Academy will organize community radio related training, research, technical assistance and other support as needed by community-radio activists.
Academy organizes competitions, displays and fashion shows for their students.
The Academy organizes concerts of its students and guests throughout the whole year.
When a chair is vacant, the Academy organizes an election between the remaining members to choose the new member.
The Academy of Public Administration organizes traditional international and national scientific conferences such as: