The building remained in Dogsthorpe for 47 years until the Academy was built on the same site.
For some reason, no doubt having to do with the local geography or the prevailing winds, the Academy had been built not quite in sight of the ocean.
A "new" Academy was built on Montgomery Street in 1886 for around $70,000.
Although the Academy was built as a boarding school, it always made room for day students who were few in those early days.
The Academy was built with less traditional teaching methods in mind.
The Academy is being built to supply the need of quality education in Debre Zeyit and the surrounding area.
The corresponding Female Academy was built in the 1870s.
The Academy was built to function more as a business office environment rather than a traditional high school, intending to immerse students in a professional workplace setting.
The Academy was built on Hundens Park, to the north of the comprehensive school.
The Plato's Academy was first built in the area.