In 2009, at the inaugural Governors Awards, the Academy chose Willis as the recipient of the Academy Honorary Award for his life's work.
For example, in 1928 the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences chose to give two top honors.
The Academy, however, worried about being taken seriously if they gave the first Oscar to a dog, chose to award the Oscar to the human runner-up.
Originally, the Academy chose director Brett Ratner as co-producer of the ceremony with Don Mischer in August 2011.
In 1928 the Real Academy of Fine Arts of San Carlos chooses him academic of number.
Occasionally, when the taste level plummeted further than usual, the Academy chose some poor soul who'd already been stricken by a stroke or was in the early stages of Alzheimer's.
The Academy chose as its emblem the pipe of Pan with its seven unequal reeds.
Having previously created Idiom Neutral, the Academy effectively chose to abandon it in favor of Peano's Latino sine flexione.
The Academy chose the German historian and geographer Gerhard Friedrich Müller (1705-1783) to head the ethnographic and historical studies.
In 2007, the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences chose Bunten to be inducted into their Hall of Fame.