This is absolute madness; it certainly isn't fair or democratic.
There was a long period of absolute madness before she seemed to settle down again.
It is absolute madness to expect anything from a piece of paper signed by Putin.
His opinion of the game itself was almost as bleak: "It's absolute madness."
Mark's involvement with heroin led to several years of "absolute bloody madness".
According to Ctesippus it is possible only by his absolute madness, because how would the others know about the love otherwise?
From about 12 o'clock to three or four in the morning it's absolute madness in here.
What I encountered this time, however, was a cruel hatred and, much worse, to my way of looking at it, an absolute madness.
Even in early English criminal law, "absolute madness" was a defence to an alleged crime.
Delagard's a lunatic and everything he's been saying to us today is absolute madness.