Fleur de Lis (Engraving after Abraham Cooper - Christie's)
He was born on April 20, 1802, to Abraham Cooper (1762-1818) and Anna Wills (1774-1856).
Abraham Cooper, the associate dean of the center, has invited both of them back to the center in order to "create the next real 'teaching moment' for our nation."
During this time, Herring might have received tuition from Abraham Cooper.
It was founded in 1817 by Abraham Cooper, an ancestor of Charles W. Yost.
Abraham Cooper (1787-1868) was an English animal and battle painter.
Paintings of fish by Abraham Cooper and W. Smith had to be transferred, manually, to the wood blocks which were to be engraved.
She remarried 30 May 1853, becoming the second wife of Abraham Cooper (1789-1868), R.A.
"I would hope the people of Edinburgh would respond appropriately by allowing these moral midgets to do their opera to an empty house," said the rabbi, Abraham Cooper.
"Israel's Next Battle: Labor Unions," (with Abraham Cooper), Jewish World Review, January 4, 2007.