The ATP molecule is held in the right place by the enzyme which is catalysing the reaction.
Therefore the cycle accounts for total 24 ATP molecules.
The ATP molecules bound before the initial recognition step are hydrolyzed before translocation.
Cellular processes use the stored energy in the chemical bonds of ATP molecules when needed to power activity within the cell.
The glucose first gathers a phosphate group from an ATP molecule in order to become glucose-6-phosphate.
The ATP molecule is very versatile, meaning that it can be used for many things.
Each iteration of the cycle must be maintained by a net consumption of 4 ATP molecules.
This means that each ATP molecule is recycled 1000 to 1500 times daily.
Obviously this reduces the theoretical efficiency of the whole process and the likely maximum is closer to 28-30 ATP molecules.
The calcium ions trigger powerful muscle contraction aided by ATP molecules.