When I joined the band in the corridor that was passing for a dressing room, I got there at the same time as an enthusiastic young Artistes and Repertoire man from ARC Records called Rick Tumber.
'ARC Records,' I told her.
We'd been offered a contract almost immediately by ARC Records, courtesy of Rick Tumber, the A&R man who'd been so impressed by the band's Strathclyde Christmas gig.
American Record Corporation (ARC), also referred to as American Record Company, American Recording Corporation, or (erroneously) as ARC Records, was a United States based record company.
He made his recording debut on November 28, 1936 for ARC Records.
In 1931, the band switched to ARC Records.
The Prairie Ramblers also backed Blevins on most of her hits with ARC Records, Decca Records, and RCA Records.
Montana wrote the song in 1934 when she was feeling lonely and missing her boyfriend; it was recorded a year later when producer Art Satherly, of ARC Records, needed one more song at a Prairie Ramblers recording session.
His first solo single and hit was the 1933 recording of "Rattlesnake Daddy," released on ARC Records.
Late in 1930, New York's ARC Records sent two A&R men to find White, the lead boy who had recorded for Paramount in 1928.