Most vendors adhere to parts of the ANSI standard but their implementations aren't identical.
Regulatory testing of effectiveness that is based on an outdated ANSI standard.
However, the ANSI standard is only a set of suggested guidelines and there are other standards out there as well.
While the ANSI standard is the most commonly used, you should always ask how the square footage of a house was determined.
Many government regulations require that products sold or used must comply with a particular ANSI standard.
There are however related ANSI standards which do specify the transportation of these tables.
In 2010, this standard attained status as an ANSI standard.
ANSI standards for hard hats set combustibility or flammability criteria.
As time progressed, most terminal programs began using the ANSI standard, but could use their native character set if it was available.
It is in the process of being ratified as an ANSI standard.