The ALP candidate was returned with a greater majority.
The ALP candidate, James Burke, a virtually unknown labor lawyer, expressed shock at his own win, and became a party legend overnight.
In a surprise result he defeated the endorsed ALP candidate Harry Sheedy.
Six ALP candidates were uncontested; as such, the party had won the 1965 election before a single vote was cast.
Whitlam won the preselection as ALP candidate.
All these candidates were opposed by endorsed ALP candidates and received less than 10% of the primary vote.
Field was automatically expelled from the Labor Party by offering his name for Senate selection against the official ALP candidate.
In 1967, he contested as the ALP candidate for the seat of Rodney but was not elected.
In 2002, she was chosen as the ALP candidate for the seat of Templestowe Province at the election due later that year.
Mary Delahunty resigned as the ALP incumbent candidate for Northcote.