What "lifestyle" is the ABA Journal promoting in its Lifestyle Products (June, page 101) when it includes information on radar detectors?
"Writing the Good Book on Lawyers" (ABA Journal November 1994)
For five years, Fincher's monthly lawyer strip "Fenwilder & Jones" ran in the ABA Journal.
ABA Journal of Affordable Housing and Community Development Law 19 (3&4), 2010.
"The Word on the Street", ABA Journal, vol.
Above the Law was recognized in 2008 by the ABA Journal as one of the 100 best Web sites by lawyers, for lawyers.
As reported in the ABA Journal, "[t]he market for outsourced legal work is booming in India.
Sotomayor's circuit court rulings led to her being considered a political centrist by the ABA Journal and other sources and organizations.
He was profiled in the October, 2009 issue of the ABA Journal.
ABA Journal (1970)