She graduated with an AA degree and transferred to UCLA as a junior at the age of 18.
He had previously received an AA degree in Business Administration from the College of the Desert.
In 2009, Santa Fe was listed 6th in the nation in awarding AA degrees.
She attended college at EWC, receiving an AA degree in Inter-disciplinary studies in the spring of 2004.
The premier goal of the school is that students graduate with their AA degree.
He also holds an AA degree in Labor Studies from Shoreline Community College.
Usually, the AA degree is the best choice for students majoring in humanities, liberal arts, or the social sciences.
Upon admission into the AA degree program students cannot transfer any credits from other accredited post-secondary institutions and all credits must be completed at Harvard.
In 2007, BCC was listed 21st in the nation in the number of AA degrees awarded.
In addition, a liberal-arts program leading to the AA degree is available.