Common on islands and coastlines, these natural swimming holes vary in size from tiny openings to vast caves.
What makes our pets such a positive influence on our mental health?
Hyenas are particular when it comes to choosing a partner.
Why are these giraffes missing their spots?
Most creatures run away when they detect a forest fire, but these beetles have other plans.
Has human activity changed our planet so much that it's now time to rename the current epoch?
Why do pregnant moose prefer to give birth near highways?
What is granular convection and why does it force all the Brazil nuts to the top of the bag?
What impact does too much salt have on your body?
What's so dangerous about the algae that blooms during a Red Tide?
New developments in Alzheimer's research have led to the discovery of the brain's waste management system.
How do invasive plants seem to have such an easy time conquering native species?
T-Rex often had babies at a young age, but why? And how did we find out?
The Atlantic Herring has an interesting ability to make sound.
Without this gene, grains may not have survived as well as they have for tens of millions of years.