All we needed to do was obtain a marriage licence in Bridgetown - there's no required waiting period or minimum length of stay.
The insurance industry generally supports these changes, although it argues for longer waiting periods before coverage takes effect.
Additionally, the increased supply would result in lower waiting periods for transplant recipient, which would reduce hospital costs.
Some types of transactions are afforded the special treatment of shorter waiting periods.
At the end of the designated waiting period, she scanned once more with her tricorder and ran through the whole band one last time.
For example, critics point out that there is no required waiting period after a patient decides to seek help in dying.
Under the provisions of the Brady bill, states with longer waiting periods already in place would be exempted from the new law.
The report calls for longer waiting periods for starting new insurance policies, extending them from 5 days to 15 or even 30 days.
Some states require businesses to mail a registered letter and allow a designated waiting period to lapse before further action is taken.
The dragging out of these cases, the long waiting periods, poor detection rates and the like are all a matter for national bodies.