Both loans have a grace period of five years and an amortization period of 20 years.
This guidance applies only to the amortization period of goodwill and should not be applied by analogy to any other situations.
Stretching the amortization period of the loan from 30 to 40 years lowers the monthly payment even further.
The typical amortization period for a commercial nuclear power plant is twenty years.
Generally, he said, such increases are calculated by dividing the cost of the improvement by an "amortization period" set by law.
Most of the loans have five-year maturities but 30-year amortization periods.
The goodwill was 8,000,000,000 and the amortization period was 11 years, with the debt to be paid off at approximately 800,000,000 per year.
Loans are structured over a fixed period, with an amortization period of up to 25 years.
During the amortization period, new payments are passed through to the investors.
That deal fell through because the 12-year term was too short an amortization period.