"son" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

son Substantiv

Substantiv + son
Kolokacji: 88
baby son • son of Mr. • son of one's wife • son of one's brother • son of the Baronet • son of an officer • son of grandson • bastard son • ...
son + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 124
son John • son William • son David • son Robert • son Michael • son James • ...
son + Verb
Kolokacji: 262
son inherits • son dies • son attends • son plays • son marries • son returns • son lives • son joins • son sits • son serves • son comes • ...
1. son dies = syn umiera son dies
3. son attends = syn jest obecny son attends
7. son returns = powroty syna son returns
8. son marries = syn bierze ślub son marries
9. son sits = syn siada son sits
10. son serves = serwy syna son serves
11. son comes = syn przychodzi son comes
14. son tells = syn mówi son tells
15. son moves = syn rusza się son moves
16. son goes = syn idzie son goes
17. son works = syn pracuje son works
19. son leaves = liście syna son leaves
20. son receives = syn otrzymuje son receives
22. son looks = syn patrzy son looks
23. son says = syn mówi son says
24. son takes = syn bierze son takes
27. son gets = syn dostaje son gets
28. son begins = syn napoczyna son begins
29. son wants = syn chce son wants
31. son finds = syn znajduje son finds
32. son gives = syn daje son gives
34. son leads = syn prowadzi son leads
  • Further problems came to him when his own son led a liberal gathering in 1912.
  • He wasn't even certain that his son was leading this raid.
  • My son is leading a host to war, she thought, still only half believing it.
  • For sure, neither father nor son has ever led the league in ego.
  • Morgan's son, Jack, took over the leadership and has led the band ever since.
  • If the father has died or is away for some reason then the eldest son leads the family, but the women are never in charge.
  • She expressed gratitude, however, that her son is now leading a more normal life.
  • His only source of relief was the knowledge that his son would lead a full life.
  • His four sons lead a successful military campaign to regain the throne.
  • He has brought his son, Ira, a young man in his early 30's, to lead the other team.
38. son knows = syn wie son knows
39. son sees = syn widzi son sees
40. son asks = syn pyta son asks
41. son tries = syn próbuje son tries
42. son starts = syn zaczyna son starts
43. son calls = syn dzwoni son calls
44. son wins = syn wygrywa son wins
46. son spends = syn wydaje son spends
47. son uses = syn używa son uses
48. owned by one's son = posiadany przez czyjś syn owned by one's son
49. son fights = walki syna son fights
50. son stands = syn stoi son stands
51. son enters = syn wchodzi son enters
52. son turns = syn obraca się son turns
54. son appears = syn pojawia się son appears
55. son grows = syn rośnie son grows
56. son brings = syn przynosi son brings
57. son falls = syn spada son falls
58. son carries = syn niesie son carries
59. son grows up = syn rośnie son grows up
61. son becomes = syn zostaje son becomes
62. son thinks = syn myśli son thinks
63. son studies = nauki syna son studies
64. son learns = syn uczy się son learns
65. son sells = syn sprzedaje son sells
66. son needs = syn musi son needs
67. son arrives = syn przybywa son arrives
68. son loves = syn kocha son loves
69. son represents = syn reprezentuje son represents
70. son helps = syn pomaga son helps
71. son takes over = syn przejmuje obowiązki son takes over
72. son loses = syn przegrywa son loses
73. son remains = syn pozostaje son remains
74. son decides = syn decyduje son decides
75. son names = imiona syna son names
76. son manages = syn zarządza son manages
77. son suffers = syn cierpi son suffers
78. son speaks = syn mówi son speaks
79. son establishes = syn zakłada son establishes
80. son rules = zasady syna son rules
81. son assumes = syn przypuszcza son assumes
82. son visits = wizyty syna son visits
83. son predeceases = syn umiera wcześniej son predeceases
85. son stays = syn zostaje son stays
86. son meets = syn spotyka son meets
87. son keeps = syn trzyma son keeps
88. son waits = syn czeka son waits
89. son borns = syn borns son borns
90. son watches = syn patrzy son watches
91. son recalls = pamięci syna son recalls
92. designed by one's son = zaprojektowany przez czyjś syn designed by one's son
93. son shows = syn pokazuje son shows
94. son sends = syn wysyła son sends
95. son seems = syn wydaje się son seems
96. son flees = syn umyka son flees
97. son feels = syn czuje son feels
98. son buys = syn kupuje son buys
Verb + son
Kolokacji: 286
son named • son called • born in the son • give to one's son • born as the son • take one's son • leave one's son • see one's son • ...
Adjektiv + son
Kolokacji: 177
young son • eldest son • old son • only son • illegitimate son • elder son • adopted son • teenage son • native son • favorite son • ...
Präposition + son
Kolokacji: 48
of one's son • with one's son • for one's son • by one's son • from one's son • ...

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