"basket" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

basket Substantiv

Substantiv + basket
Kolokacji: 46
bread basket • wicker basket • picnic basket • gift basket • laundry basket • basket of fruit • ...
basket + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 7
basket case • basket weaver • basket maker • basket ball • basket chair • ...
basket + Verb
Kolokacji: 14
basket comes • basket containing • basket gives • basket makes • basket holds • ...
Verb + basket
Kolokacji: 23
make baskets • basket filled • carry a basket • score a basket • get baskets • ...
Adjektiv + basket
Kolokacji: 27
large basket • easy basket • big basket • small basket • little basket • ...
(2) easy, game-winning
Kolokacji: 2
(3) empty, covered
Kolokacji: 2
(5) key, final, crucial
Kolokacji: 3
1. whole basket = cały kosz whole basket
2. three-point basket = trzypunktowy kosz three-point basket
3. wooden basket = drewniany kosz wooden basket
4. full basket = pełny kosz full basket
5. hand-woven basket = ręcznie tkany kosz hand-woven basket
6. handwoven basket = handwoven kosz handwoven basket
7. antique basket = zabytkowy kosz antique basket
  • INDIAN BASKETS More than 40 authentic antique Indian baskets go on display at the Trailside Nature Museum of Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Tuesday through Feb. 28.
  • There will also be some unusual items, including antique grape-gathering baskets, wine openers and other wine-making apparatus.
  • Inside Victorian houses, antique baskets and furniture are for sale.
  • The decorator is also a collector: woven baskets from Brazil, antique American baskets from flea markets, vintage colored glass, even a group of nicely mossed-over pots.
  • Ever since, the market for antique baskets has remained strong and the prices high, Mr. Pratt said, adding that he sold one nest of baskets for more than $200,000, and sold three other nests for more than $100,000 each.
  • In addition to boxes of photographs and papers are antique baskets, tools, costumes and dolls, and Ms. Butterfield is always looking for more.
  • The houses include a 1910 stone house decorated with Asian antique baskets, and an 1888 house with a kitchen built from five smaller rooms.
  • Mrs. Bond, who is the wife of Senator Christopher S. (Kit) Bond of Missouri and so operates her business out of both Kansas City and Washington, recreated a corner of the wicker-filled sunroom of their Washington house, using her Imari and a collection of antique Japanese baskets and dolls.
  • Today in Nantucket shops like the 40-year-old Four Winds Crafts Guild sell antique baskets for $3,000 to $6,000, but fine ones in good condition with a dark, rich brown patina go for a lot more, especially if they were made by a top name.
Präposition + basket
Kolokacji: 11
under the basket • into the basket • from the basket • to the basket • in a basket • ...

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