"bankruptcy" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

bankruptcy Substantiv

Substantiv + bankruptcy
Kolokacji: 3
Chapter bankruptcy • airline bankruptcy • consumer bankruptcy
bankruptcy + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 49
bankruptcy protection • bankruptcy court • bankruptcy filing • bankruptcy proceedings • bankruptcy law • bankruptcy judge • ...
(1) protection, practice
Kolokacji: 4
1. bankruptcy court = sąd zajmujący się sprawami upadłościowymi, sąd upadłościowy (w Stanach Zjednoczonych) bankruptcy court
4. bankruptcy law = prawo postępowania upadłościowego bankruptcy law
5. bankruptcy judge = sędzia upadku bankruptcy judge
6. bankruptcy case = przypadek upadku bankruptcy case
8. Federal Bankruptcy Code = Federalista Upadek Kod Federal Bankruptcy Code
9. Federal Bankruptcy Court = Federalista sąd zajmujący się sprawami upadłościowymi Federal Bankruptcy Court
12. bankruptcy fraud = upadek oszustwo bankruptcy fraud
13. United States Bankruptcy Court = Stany Zjednoczone sąd zajmujący się sprawami upadłościowymi United States Bankruptcy Court
14. Bankruptcy Act = ustawa o prawie upadłościowym Bankruptcy Act
15. Federal bankruptcy judge = Federalista sędzia upadku Federal bankruptcy judge
16. bankruptcy Bill = upadek Bill bankruptcy Bill
18. bankruptcy estate = masa upadłości bankruptcy estate
19. bankruptcy procedure = postępowanie upadłościowe bankruptcy procedure
20. Chapter bankruptcy proceedings = Rozdział postępowanie upadłościowe Chapter bankruptcy proceedings
21. bankruptcy legislation = ustawodawstwo upadku bankruptcy legislation
22. bankruptcy attorney = pełnomocnik upadku bankruptcy attorney
24. Federal bankruptcy law = Federalista prawo upadłościowe Federal bankruptcy law
25. bankruptcy action = działanie upadku bankruptcy action
  • The claims process against PC was not resolved prior to PC's bankruptcy declaration the following June.
  • The bankruptcy declaration was the beginning of a year long dispute between Philadelphia Media Holdings and creditors.
  • His bankruptcy declaration included a $341,000 Internal Revenue Service tax lien.
  • The other is to let a debtor seeking a fresh start through a bankruptcy declaration retain his house free of court-ordered encumbrances.
  • A bankruptcy declaration would have allowed Island Helicopters to continue operating while it came to new terms with creditors, including the city.
  • One outcome of a bankruptcy declaration could be the dissolution of the city's 14 union contracts, which account for 60 percent of the budget.
  • At the time of the company's bankruptcy declaration, the United Network had accrued a nearly $700,000 debt.
  • Among their duties are tax collection, administering bankruptcy declarations, and performing civil marriages.
  • Following his death in the sinking investigations revealed that the company's finances were in a parlous state, leading to the company's bankruptcy declaration.
  • A bankruptcy declaration was sought by a consortium of 14 Western banks after Yukos defaulted on nearly half of $1 billion in debt.
27. bankruptcy filer = program do konwersji protokołów sieciowych upadku bankruptcy filer
(5) petition, auction, sale
Kolokacji: 3
(6) trustee, administrator
Kolokacji: 2
(7) expert, specialist, examiner
Kolokacji: 3
(8) paper, rate
Kolokacji: 2
bankruptcy + Verb
Kolokacji: 5
bankruptcy looms • bankruptcy occurs • bankruptcy rises • bankruptcy causes • bankruptcy means
Verb + bankruptcy
Kolokacji: 20
declare bankruptcy • avoid bankruptcy • face bankruptcy • file for bankruptcy • emerge from bankruptcy • force into bankruptcy • ...
Adjektiv + bankruptcy
Kolokacji: 24
personal bankruptcy • corporate bankruptcy • large bankruptcy • moral bankruptcy • involuntary bankruptcy • ...
Präposition + bankruptcy
Kolokacji: 20
into bankruptcy • for bankruptcy • from bankruptcy • in bankruptcy • of bankruptcy • ...

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