At first the project went slowly, as it did not gain much publicity.
Is it an attempt to gain publicity to influence a pending court case?
Regardless of how it happened, the incident gained publicity quickly.
Her fight had such resonance that it has gained national publicity.
I think they thought it was a way to gain publicity for their petition.
However, he does accept the word only gained publicity through journalism.
With the full force of my organization, we can gain national publicity.
Most of them did so to make a political point and to gain publicity.
Several issues relating to immigration gained publicity in the early years of the century.
The project gained publicity in local newspapers and radio stations.
As he was already well known at the time, the change received wide publicity.
Cases that attract public interest have always received publicity, he said.
Maybe, but by then the case had received major publicity.
She received great publicity from the trial, but at a certain cost.
Both pieces of work received wide publicity in the international press.
His case received little publicity and he enjoyed support from former colleagues.
The case has not received very much publicity in Japan.
The need to raise the quality of education has received much publicity over the last few years.
"Why did he become a risk only after the case received so much publicity?"
"But most people won't come forward for fear of receiving publicity and being identified."
It seemed to him that he was getting less publicity.
Baseball players, on the other hand, are used to getting publicity all the time.
Few get substantial publicity, so this is not seen as a big national problem.
"They'll get more publicity than any advertising campaign could ever provide."
The study was released earlier this year but has not gotten much publicity.
Somewhere to meet, telephone to use, how to get publicity out.
We're talking about your crime statistics reports, which get such wide publicity here.
The incident was widely reported in the local press but did not get much national publicity.
Criminal cases tend to get more publicity than civil ones do.
Over the next few months, the city got more publicity than it ever had in its many centuries of existence.