Sewage effluent, other industrial discharges, and trash also contributed to the pollution of the river.
In some areas, it has been contaminated by fuel spills, industrial discharge, landfills, and saltwater.
Many discharges, both domestic and industrial, are made into the tidal section of the main river.
Now, the return of many kinds of fish is an optimistic indicator, though industrial discharge beyond city limits remains a problem.
I'm picking up a lot of industrial electrical discharge, but nothing nuclear.
Detailed information on the situation of industrial discharges in Greece is under assessment.
Sewage treatment plants have been required to regulate industrial discharges since 1978.
With no urban infrastructure, sewage polluted the river, as did the industrial discharges from the mines.
It is considered to be a combination of vehicle exhaust, smoke from cooking fires, and industrial discharges.
The number of industrial discharges has been reduced as a result of massive plant closures.