But this is possible, perhaps with the water from a lawn sprinkler.
During this period low marks went to those gardeners who put out lawn sprinklers and let them run all day.
He even went so far as to use a lawn sprinkler to simulate rain to test his idea under various weather conditions.
Buy three lawn sprinklers and get a free sun lounger.
His head was going back and forth slowly, like a lawn sprinkler.
"The number of irrigation systems has also increased, and that is our biggest demand - lawn sprinklers."
He walked through the lawn sprinkler's fine cold spray almost without feeling it.
But ahead are the critical hot, dry summer months when those lawn sprinklers start to come out.
At 6-2 and 250 pounds, he stuck out on their team like a lawn sprinkler in a Japanese garden.
Now, however, the water was off and little Henry sat with his legs spread wide, the lawn sprinkler on the grass between them.