Place the leg of lamb in a very large zip-lock bag and pour in the marinade.
"I don't know how we ever did archaeology before zip-lock bags," he remarked as he held them up for examination.
"She's already at the office," dealing with weighty matters of state while the Speaker packs his own little zip-lock bags.
You can take them the doctor's cojones in a zip-lock bag to comfort them.
If binoculars get wet, it is best to keep them moist in a zip-lock bag while awaiting repair.
Keeping the bread in something airtight will also help (like a zip-lock bag).
Put the wings in a large zip-lock bag and pour the marinade over them.
Pour the marinade into a large zip-lock bag, add the chicken and refrigerate overnight.
The detective grabbed a zip-lock bag from a nearby case and placed what he'd found inside it.
One of my favorite battlefield tips was this: always carry a zip-lock bag for blown-off digits.