My "biological clock" won't run down for another century or more yet!
They could no longer set their biological clocks in response to light.
Maybe a little bit of the biological clock is ticking?
"My biological clock is running out," she announced one evening.
It means, she said, that "the biological clock gets turned back."
"I could see what comes from settling for somebody or listening to your biological clock."
With so many time zone shifts he had little idea what his own biological clock was doing.
Many more genetic components of the biological clock are now known.
And with female athletes, the question often involves the old biological clock.
I'm beginning to think there must be a biological clock for grandmothers.
Adolescents may make it to school, but their internal clock is off.
The brain's internal clock actually runs more slowly for older people.
Though he felt as if he'd been awake for days, his internal clock still said it was too early.
According to my internal clock, the sun won't be up for almost half an hour.
My internal clock said that half a day had gone, or more.
His internal clock kept him aware of the passing time.
"Your internal clock will tell you exactly when we left," said Jane.
That is, they wake up and start running around every 24 hours, based on this internal clock.
The universe thought it was exactly the same time as the Mind's internal clock did.
Our internal clock is more than just when we sleep and wake.
"We're going to sit down and talk about that because the players have a body clock," Hunter said.
And sleep patterns can run on a schedule different from a person's body clock.
My body clock had completely packed in, and I didn't even know if it was night or day.
My body clock's so screwed up, it could be any time at all.
Those teams don't have to adjust their body clocks as often.
The leaves are turning different colors, and your body clock is a certain hour.
When traveling from east to west, you will want to delay your body clock three hours.
They said the human body clock is sensitive to much lower levels of light than previously thought.
But what metabolism seems to do most of all is to serve living things as a body clock.
How can you treat sleep problems related to your body clock?