You are a most welcome member to the collective consciousness.
The sensation would probably go away if he'd open himself to the collective consciousness.
It came from the collective consciousness, a call for him to connect.
"But the result - the transformation of the German collective consciousness - was a success."
It really does feel like there is a collective consciousness.
Therefore, over time the collective consciousness of this period's music has become stronger.
By 1954, the image of little green men had become inscribed in the public's collective consciousness.
Or we can try to raise our collective consciousness and do something about global warming.
Max tried to block the images, the way he'd been doing with the stuff from the collective consciousness.
The first steps into the supreme collective consciousness are being made during the current transition stage.
I don't think these are a single hive mind.
The Guardian isn't a single hive mind, especially with regard to comment.
They're supposed to have a single hive mind for the whole species, but no one's been able to prove anything, one way or the other.
If the insects are a single hive mind, they're scattered far too widely for us to be able to hurt or control them.
Until his return we had been on the defensive, falling into the trap of acting like a true hive mind.
They have a single hive mind, and are attracted to radiation, as it nourishes them.
Once infested, the subject is added to a Hive Mind.
They follow and confront him but are interrupted by a Hive Mind.
The "bottom-up hive mind will never take us to our end goal," he adds.
The techno-linked hive mind was not really in evidence.