For example, a small data set might begin with 10 cases.
The data set is available at no cost to the public.
There is no way to go directly from one set of data to the other.
A simple case is where one has two data sets of the same size.
And from today, we will do it with the world's best sets of data.
Sometimes it was a set of data that caught his eye.
You have to do this to both sets of data.
The larger the set of data, the less likely the case is to occur by chance.
When that is the case, a limited data set may be useful.
So far the primary data set has not been made publicly available.
But their data set doesn't go back further than 20 or 30 years.
Two different lists were compiled, and the same data set run against them.
This problem can be overcome by using the data to change rather than set the phase.
As of October 2008, their data set included over 252 million historical positions.
Data snapped the panel free and set it on the table.
Data accepted the tea, took a sip, and set the cup down.
However, for smaller data sets an alternative approach is possible and we can look directly at relationships between individuals.
Medicaid officials said they could use the data to set lower, more appropriate reimbursement rates.
In other words, it should always be possible to undo any data set alterations.
His data set cleared to an even gray: the caller was not sending video either.