Edgilis has training programs in project management, safety, project planning and innovation management, among others.
His research on the innovation process has influenced innovation management and policy worldwide.
Dodgson argues innovation management and policy depends on a comprehensive understanding of the innovation process and the ways it is changing.
Together with Roy Rothwell, he also developed the theory and practice of innovation management.
Importantly, innovation management is not relegated to R&D; it involves workers at every level in contributing creatively to a company's development, manufacturing, and marketing.
Cambridge Consultants as a technology consultant advises companies on market strategy, transaction support and innovation management, especially where complex technology is involved.
He conducts research in the areas of innovation management, technological entrepreneurship, technology strategy, and social innovation.
MangoIdeas is an innovation management and concept lifecycle management tool for use within an organization.
Delegates also attended training seminars on innovation management and software project management.
His research focuses on organization theory, innovation management and strategic management.