When the police swept one group away, another took its place.
The things of the world will all be swept away.
He swept away and she never saw him again in the hospital.
And two were swept away by the current so that we never saw those on them again.
It looked like some of our things were about to be swept away.
You are the past that's about to be swept away.
Without this support the women would have been swept away.
Then that and all thought is swept away by the force of the experience.
If anyone was ever here, every sign of them has been swept away.
Don't open that door or you might be swept away.
"Everything has been swept up in the idea of time running out."
Just then, something dark swept up, right at her face.
But before long, he swept me up in his plans for our marriage.
The boy he swept up into the air was too small to have been a player.
I asked an old woman who was sweeping up leaves.
Save she was swept up into another time and place.
All you do is take the back by sweeping it up.
He was immediately swept up in a sea of people.
A number of individuals and their families have been swept up by the measures.
But it was gone quickly as someone swept her up into a dance.
He swept out every day, but there was something a little wrong.
He opened the door and swept her out before him.
They rose from the water and swept out toward the river.
And they would have to fight the current also in order not to be swept out to sea.
His body was swept out to sea and never found.
Five were swept out to sea, and one person killed.
How easy it would have been for him to be swept out to sea.
He swept an arm out in front of them as they walked.
I swept my hand out over the still bright land.
Others were probably swept out to sea by the wind.