Not that we do too much freelancing these days-better to leave that to the younger practitioners, like you two.
The young medical practitioner got into trouble by performing abortions, and to escape potential legal problems moved to California in the early 1850s.
Specifically: A young or inexperienced practitioner or student; a tyro.
In 2004 he became the youngest practitioner to be appointed a Royal Designer for Industry.
Pedro's parents are considered to have birthed modern Brazilian fashion as well as its youngest practitioner.
This art form is now endangered as the traditional tale-tellers grow old and are not replaced by younger practitioners.
This was helpfully structured for 'the vulgar capacity' and young practitioners.
As a young practitioner, his clients were mostly from the black and coloured crime-ridden communities around Cape Town.
According to the Green Paper, the key to maintaining a sufficient workforce is to educate, recruit and retain young practitioners.
Many were older men who had followed the game for decades, but there were younger practitioners seeking a glimpse of spectacular shot-making.