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This yoking is symbolic of the practitioner's connection with the divine in all things.
But the yoking is nonetheless an awkward one.
A larger problem here is the yoking of the summer of 2000 and the Peshtigo fire as if they were on the same scale.
There was great danger in Kook the Younger's yoking of the two together.
They're going soft on the information that's out, but about the same time he interfered with a yoking, two more pushers turned up dead.
"Could you tell from her autopsy if the assailant started using a choke hold that ended up a yoking?
The Washington Post called it "a bizarre yet effective yoking of the spy and horror genres."
Rushdoony believed that interracial marriage, which he referred to as "unequal yoking", should be made illegal.
Its yoking of Russian and English, of course, recapitulates his own life and career.
This yoking seems made for the street scenes and wandering monologues that fill the book's cityscape; it brings tension to love poems as well.
If only she could accomplish the same yoking of her spirit that they had with this aquifer- drain it, control it, make it sane.
The alert reader will not miss the significance of this yoking of violence and art, nor of the fact that the perpetrator has a beak.
Since the three-horse yoking was uncommon, trigarius may also mean a participant in the equestrian exercises of the trigarium in general.
In its violent yoking together of disparate emotional and aesthetic references, Sontag's thesis is an uncanny presentiment of cultural preoccupations to come.
Just as much, the title indicated another trend: the uneasy yoking of the academic study of art with a French intellectual frame of reference and radical politics.
Geertz's book-lined office, its sterile white walls decorated with toothy, riotously colored Javanese masks, suggests a tense, unresolved yoking of opposites.
Both patients had improved markedly since he had thought of pairing their highly compatible enantiomorphous psychokinetic functions within the light yoking of his own redactive matrix.
In what at first sight seems an unlikely yoking - Twelfth Night with The Taming of the Shrew - Propellor's talents are at full, impressive stretch.
The preferred type of sinews came from the feet of deer (assumedly achilles tendons because they were longest) and the necks of oxen (strong from constant yoking).
Humility and normalcy (their yoking is an oxymoron, but let it be) may be part of his makeup, or of his Asian heritage, but they are also things he works at.
Only listen to wholly unrepresentative token ('captured') voices, only accept views that chime with pre-ordained outcomes (eg the marketisation of social care, the yoking of choice and independence to dodgy market mechanisms).
Improvements in this fixture include improved optics, 360 degree barrel rotation, a specialized yoke design allowing for rapid tool-free short yoking, a quick change lamp and improved heat dissipation technology and design integration.
And since each degree of change in the heavenly bodies creates a new frequency of energy, the astrologer must memorize several thousand individual patterns between any two or three planets--these arrangements are called yogas, literally the "yoking" of stars.
The advantage of recognizing the approach as an application of case study methods is that some aspects of the method-such as the close yoking of data collection and analysis-that may not be widely used now could be applied in a way that increases timeliness without reducing quality.
The publication of a British government White Paper, revealing the nature of the "iron-clad" agreement, infuriated the British press, not least because the yoking of British and German interests was considered dangerous, and unnecessary for the mere collection of some foreign debts.