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Some common winter annuals include henbit, deadnettle, chickweed, and winter cress.
Winter cress contains different Glucosinolates, Flavonoids and Saponins.
Adults find nectar from a great variety of flowers including dogbane, swamp milkweed, shepherd's needle, asters, and winter cress.
The North American countryside is rich in cabbage family weeds like yellow rocket and winter cress, and the flea beetles flourished.
Adults feed on various flowers of plants up to about 4.5 feet tall, including dogbane, buttonbush, sneezeweed, goldenrod, peppermint, boneset, and winter cress.
Foragers stalk the woods and shores near Brecon Beacons National Park year-round searching for everything from winter cress in January to mistletoe in December.
Adults feed on nectar from flowers of blueberry, wild strawberry, blackberry, Labrador tea, dogbane, New Jersey tea, winter cress, purple vetch and lupine.
Adults feed on flower nectar from various low-growing plants, including Labrador tea, wild strawberry, blackberry, bird's-foot violet, winter cress, red clover, lilac, vervain, Carolina larkspur and wild hyacinth.
B. verna, also known as Upland Cress, Early Winter Cress, American Cress, Belle Isle Cress and Scurvy Grass, is used in salads or to add a nippy taste to mixed greens for cooking.
On the calcareous areas of the Small Retezat, a lot of rare or endemic species can be found, like Barbarea lepuznica (a species of the Winter cress genus) or Pedicularis baumgarteni, a species of the Pedicularis genus.
Barbarea (Bar-ba-ré-a, Winter cress or Yellow rocket) is a genus of about 22 species of flowering plants in the family Brassicaceae, native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with the highest species diversity in southern Europe and southwest Asia.
And how did the weird yellow rocket ship tie in?
A needle-nosed yellow rocket ship was zooming toward them from nine o'clock!
He pointed to the yellow rocket ship.
The flower Erysimum barbarea (yellow rocket or wintercress) is dedicated to him.
The Dyna Ranger pursued the yellow rocket ship relentlessly.
Many weeds may host this pathogen including Shepherd's Purse, wild mustard, and yellow rocket.
Some favoured species include bluegrass, curled dock, lambsquarters, yellow rocket and redroot pigweed.
The North American countryside is rich in cabbage family weeds like yellow rocket and winter cress, and the flea beetles flourished.
As they shrank, reeling and striding around the wharf, they set off pink flares and yellow rockets, and we waved until they disappeared.
A club of teenagers, they operated out of a clubhouse in the shape of an inverted yellow rocket ship which looked as if it had been driven into the ground.
However, he lost the seat to the Labour candidate; the news was announced to the people of Ashton-under-Lyne by the Mayor firing yellow rockets from the Town Hall (yellow being the Labour Party colour in Ashton).
Barbarea (Bar-ba-ré-a, Winter cress or Yellow rocket) is a genus of about 22 species of flowering plants in the family Brassicaceae, native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with the highest species diversity in southern Europe and southwest Asia.
They feed on flower nectar from various species, including Vaccinium, Sanicula arctopoides, Lindera, Salix, Barbarea and Prunus americana.
The genus name Barbarea derives from Saint Barbara, the patron saint of artillerymen and miners, as this plant in the past was used to soothe the wounds caused by explosions.
Barbarea australis is a morphologically and ecologically typical Barbarea species with an unusual distribution: it is an endemic and threatened species from Tasmania.
Barbarea vulgaris, also called as bittercress, herb barbara, rocketcress, yellow rocketcress, winter rocket, and wound rocket, is a biennial herb of the genus Barbarea, belonging to the family Brassicaceae.
Barbarea (Bar-ba-ré-a, Winter cress or Yellow rocket) is a genus of about 22 species of flowering plants in the family Brassicaceae, native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with the highest species diversity in southern Europe and southwest Asia.
Alyssum, Arabidopsis, Arabis, Armoracia, Barbarea, Boechera, Draba (of which he revised many South American members ), Erucastrum, Nasturtium, Raphanus, Rorippa, Schizopetalon, Sisymbrium, and Tropidocarpum are among the genera in which he has identified plant species.