In 2009 the company had a yearly turnover of approximately 200 million Euro.
It currently has some 90 employees, and its yearly turnover is around 20 million euro.
This provides NZ$1.2 billion of yearly turnover, and 4000 jobs in the Auckland economy.
"But because of the age group and yearly turnover of students, it's a constant effort to get that message across."
But with free agency producing an almost yearly turnover of personnel, can that chemistry be developed?
The yearly turnover exceeded 1 million US dollars.
Fans root for uniforms, generally, just as college supporters, watching yearly turnovers, cheer for school colors.
By 1975, there were 175 employees and the yearly turnover was over 1 million guilders.
The gallery's yearly turnover is in the tens of millions of pounds.
At present, the industry employs more than 90,000 people, mostly Bangladeshi origin, with an estimated yearly turnover of £3.5 billion.