Coley arranged for a wealthy friend to provide funds to purchase two x-ray machines for his use.
Victor Electric plunged into the x-ray business and by 1896 (one year after Roentgen's discovery) were making x-ray machines.
In 1910 the college imported two x-ray machines from England, which were the first in India, and opened the country's first radiology department.
Learn more about x-ray machines in this HowStuffWorks podcast.
Only trained and qualified persons should operate x-ray machines.
According to the New Scientist, the mice work four-hour shifts and are more accurate than using dogs or x-ray machines.
Examples include diagnostic ultrasound products, x-ray machines and medical lasers.
Here men and women were forcibly sterilized by being positioned repeatedly for several minutes between two x-ray machines, the rays aiming at their sexual organs.
There are x-ray machines and metal detectors, as well as Gibraltar Customs and other officials.
He also developed improved x-ray machines.