Industry has a big share in the domestic product as well.
In 1975 1,5% of the domestic product was spent on development aid.
Gross domestic product is up by almost 2 percent over last year.
The total cost was around $1 billion, or 0.2 percent of gross domestic product.
The national energy bill is about $475 billion a year, nearly 10 percent of the gross domestic product.
Now, these four guys are doing their part for the gross domestic product.
In 2003 some 4.5 percent of gross domestic product was spent on education.
The gross domestic product last year was just $1.7 billion.
But taking action now would cost just 1% of global gross domestic product, the 700-page study says.
"I think the days of growing at two to three times the gross domestic product are over," he said.
Still, Americans seem to like their home products high-tech.
The company now sells more than 2,000 home products, sold through 25,000 retailers in 75 countries.
Over the last decade or so, its traditional sources for home products disappeared.
But some of the home products are not even soaps and their use for plants is questioned.
To manufacture this home product she had sacrificed her agriculture.
It was getting possible to buy quite a number of home products.
But, she says, "I do know that 90 percent of customers for home products are women.
The home product tended to be finer in quality than the imported.
I suppose they were sure the mud at any rate was a home product.
Buy the home product or service first whenever you can, even if it means buying less for a time".