Nothing can cut a man's popularity ratings down faster than governing.
Ms. Richards was a national figure and media star with high popularity ratings.
As of March 3, 2011, his popularity rating stood at 13% of support.
None of this, however, seems to have increased her popularity ratings, which still hover between 1 and 2 percent.
Not, to be sure, that Yankee officials should get too puffed up about their high popularity rating.
He entered the office with the highest popularity rating of any new premier in Japanese history.
There can be no rift between the two leaders because popularity ratings of both are connected - one cannot go down without the other.
But over the next few weeks, with his popularity rating slipping into the single digits, he has to change.
His popularity rating has sunk, to 43 percent from 70.
One national poll last week found that his popularity ratings had soared 17 points.