They do not go as far as some countries, who plan to make actual cuts in emissions rates.
This approach is unreliable when emission rates cannot be accurately determined.
It has been estimated that 100 of the largest companies in Ireland will exceed the current emission rates between 2005 and 2007.
This level of "performance" may be defined as an emissions rate, a technology standard or a practice standard.
It involves the use of a mathematical formula to predict an emission rate.
Companies who are publicly criticized for their environmental policy or high emission rates, might lose customers, because of negative reputation.
Consequently, the emission rate in any direction can be described as a weighted sum of just three rates.
The obtained emission rates are presented as a spectral plot.
By 2007, Qatar's emission rate increased to 69 tons per person per year.
In many developed nations there have been institutions around big Multinational Corporations to report on their emissions rate.