The writer quotes Spencer Tracy's character in Quick Millions who says "That's "the dream of every racketeer, to have a legitimate racket.
And in order to get what they wanted, this writer quotes someone as saying that they made a conscious decision to pursue a "scorched earth" strategy.
Matters are further complicated in realizing that ancient writers, Longinus' contemporaries, do not quote or mention the treatise in any way.
None of these works survive, but many later writers quote from them.
It was perhaps this uniquely SA philosophy that allows many important actors, writers and musicians to quote him as an influence.
Then I went to the big Oxford: camery is an obsolete word and the writer had simply quoted that dictionary's definition.
The writer quoted an old Italian who, in discussing the merits of his own dual-purpose white cattle, explained: 'With beef cattle my children cry for milk.
An American academic writer has quoted a classmate of Nkrumah at Lincoln as asserting he acquired an anti-American complex during these years.
Some writers quote dates to an accuracy of 25 years, others 30 years, but rarely is it made clear why, or how such dates are obtained.
The writer mentions and quotes numerous articles in the book to demonstrate the self-assurance and clear prejudices of its creators.