Any writer on Norman affairs attributed to venom any sudden death, except those involving violence.
The writer attributed many recent deaths to murder, craftily disguised.
Western writers and scholars from the 19th century onwards commonly attributed these inventions to China.
In the same breath, the writer attributes identical traits to Charles's brother.
One writer attributes his rediscovery to the similarities between his eclectic approach and postmodernism:
Early writers were careless of facts and sometimes attributed the deeds of one person to another.
The same writer, moralizing over the disaster at Agincourt, attributes it to the general corruption of the nation.
The writers of this period attributed to his government a strong encouragement for the development of the sciences and the arts.
Esprit in the year 1951, which many writers have attributed to ergot-containing bread, actually had nothing to do with ergotism.
Another writer attributed the allusion to Alaric's invasion in 402, and held that the compilation was made between 366 and 461.